Lorenzo Jamone is Research Associate at VisLab, the Computer Vision Laboratory of the Instituto de Sistemas e
Robotica (in Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal).
Born in 1981, he received the Master in Computer Engineering (specialization in Robotics
and Automation) with full marks from the University of Genoa, in 2006.
He worked at the Robotics Brain and Cognitive Science Department of the Italian
Institute of Technology, obtaining the PhD in
Humanoid Technologies in 2010, with a thesis about autonomous sensorimotor
learning in humanoid robots (supervised by Prof. Giulio Sandini, Giorgio Metta, Lorenzo Natale).
He was Research Associate at Takanishi Lab
(Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan) from late 2010 until the end of
2012, funded by JSPS.
He collaborated in a number of EU Projects (e.g. Contact, RobotCub, RoboSoM, Poeticon++). Research interests include humanoid robotics, sensorimotor learning and control,
cognitive developmental robotics,
force and tactile sensing.