
Highly sensitive soft 3D tactile sensors of the human-friendly robot Vizzy.
These sensors represent a step forward in tactile sensing technology with respect to the state of the art, and, in particular, with respect to the tactile sensing system available in the iCub robot. Most interestingly, the tactile sensors of Vizzy are soft and highly sensitive, and can measure the 3D components of the applied force (i.e. both normal and shear forces). The video shows how grasping and lifting a very fragile and light (4 grams) plastic cup elicit forces that are quickly detected by the sensor, both in the perpendicular (during the initial contact) and vertical (during lifting) directions with respect to the surface of the sensor. The second part of the video shows how the lifting of a heavier object (i.e. the plastic cup filled with water, 40 grams) generates a bigger vertical force (shear forces), that is correctly detected by the sensor.

Benchmarking the grasping capabilities of the iCub hand with the YCB Object and Model Set.
Objects are grasped using the robot hand and the human intelligence: the robot fingers are directly controlled by a human user with a wearable dataglove (the Immersion CyberGlove-II).
Which object the iCub hand can grasp?

Grasp Flexibility Benchmark with the iCub humanoid robot. The test is meant to show the grasping flexibility offered by the iCub dexterous hand to variations in the object pose. A foam brick (50x75x50 mm, 28 g) is grasped in different positions and orientations around a nominal pose (default pose). The hand pose used for grasping is the same in all trials, but the use of different fingers movements allows to cope with the different object poses. The robot fingers are teleoperated by a human user with a dataglove (Immersion CyberGlove-II): this provides a control baseline (i.e. the human brain as a controller).

Simple demonstration of teleoperation of the iCub hand using the Immersion CyberGlove-II dataglove.

Robotic in-hand manipulation. Two different objects are displaced in-hand (by moving the fingers only). The robot motion is controlled by a human operator using the CyberGlove-II.

In this video a sequence of in-hand re-grasping is showed. The object is grasped with three different configurations of the fingers, without losing the grip.