[2016] L. Jamone, E. Ugur, A. Cangelosi, L. Fadiga, A. Bernardino, J. Piater and J. Santos-Victor, Affordances in psychology, neuroscience and robotics: a survey. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. early access
[2016] L. Jamone, A. Bernardino and J. Santos-Victor, Benchmarking the grasping capabilities of the iCub hand with the YCB Object and Model Set. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. early access
[2016] P. Vicente, L. Jamone and A. Bernardino, Robotic Hand Pose Estimation Based on Stereo Vision and GPU-enabled Internal Graphical Simulation. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, pp. 1-20. early access
[2016] T. P. Tomo, S. Somlor, S. Schmitz, L. Jamone, W. Huang, H. Kristanto and S. Sugano, Design and Characterization of a Three-Axis Hall Effect-Based Soft Skin Sensor. MDPI Sensors, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 491. open access
[2016] P. Vicente, L. Jamone and A. Bernardino, Online body schema adaptation based on internal mental simulation and multisensory feedback. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 3:7. open access
[2016] J. Nogueira, R. Martinez-Cantin, A. Bernardino and L. Jamone, Unscented Bayesian optimization for safe robot grasping. In the IEEE-RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Daejeon, South Korea.
[2016] A. Dehban, L. Jamone, A. Kampff and J. Santos-Victor, Denoising Auto-encoders for Learning of Objects and Tools Affordances in Continuous Space. In the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Stockholm, Sweden.
[2016] A. Antunes, L. Jamone, G. Saponaro, A. Bernardino and R. Ventura, From Human Instructions to Robot Actions: Formulation of Goals, Affordances and Probabilistic Planning. In the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Stockholm, Sweden.
[2015] T. Pradhono Tomo, S. Somlor, L. Jamone, A. Schmitz, S. Hashimoto and S. Sugano, Development of a Hall-Effect Based Skin Sensor. IEEE Sensors International Conference. Busan, South Korea. online
[2015] L. Jamone, L. Natale, G. Metta and G. Sandini, Highly sensitive soft tactile sensors for an anthropomorphic robotic hand. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 15, No 8, pp. 4226-4233. Online.
[2015] C. Cardoso, L. Jamone and A. Bernardino, A novel approach to dynamic movement imitation based on quadratic programming. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Seattle, USA. online
[2015] P. Vicente, R. Ferreira, L. Jamone and A. Bernardino, GPU-Enabled particle based optimization for robotic-hand pose estimation and self-calibration. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC). Vila Real, Portugal.
[2014] L. Jamone, B. Damas and J. Santos-Victor, Incremental learning of context-dependent dynamic internal models for robot control. IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC). Antibes/Nice, France.
[2014] L. Jamone, M. Fumagalli, L. Natale, F. Nori, G. Metta and G. Sandini, Control of physical interaction through tactile and force sensing during visually guided reaching. IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC). Antibes/Nice, France.
[2014] A. Gonçalvez, J. Abrantes, G. Saponaro, L. Jamone and A. Bernardino, Learning Intermediate Object Affordances: Towards the Development of a Tool Concept. IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning / Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL/Epirob). Genoa, Italy.
[2014] P. Vicente, R. Ferreira, L. Jamone and A. Bernardino, Eye-hand online adaptation during reaching tasks in a humanoid robot. IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning / Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL/Epirob). Genoa, Italy.